QuickBooks POS Display or Prints in a Small Font

When printing the report or a receipt you may encounter a problem where QuickBooks POS display or prints in small font size, it generally happens when font size is not modified properly.

The reason for this post is to find out the solution steps in case QuickBooks prints reports/receipts in small font size on your computer. The below steps will help with your software issues.

Causes for this issue

  • The font size is not properly modified
  • Printer drivers aren’t set up properly

One important thing to do before starting up with the troubleshooting steps

Create a Company File Backup

It’s a recommendation from us is to create the company file backup because if there would be any fallback in between the troubleshooting process, you’ll not lose any of your data.

  • Open QuickBooks Point of Sale
  • Go to File > BackUp Data
  • Click on Back Up

Quick Note: The Process to fix this issue may be complex you can speak with our experts for a quick resolution or leave us your message

5 Simple Steps to Follow When QuickBooks POS Display or Prints in a Small Font Size

Step 1: Ensure that the Latest QuickBooks POS Updates are Installed

  • Open QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale
  • Select Software Update > Check for Updates
  • If updates are available, click on Update Now and then OK
  • When QuickBooks POS is updated, close it and restart your computer

Step 2: Setup the Printer Drivers Properly

  • Close QuickBooks Point of Sale
  • Press Windows+R keys together to open the Run Command
  • Type Control in the Run Command and click OK to open the Control Panel
  • Choose Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers
  • Make a right-click on a printer and choose Printer Properties
  • Select the Device Settings tab
  • In the friction section, select 72mm X Receipt
  • Click OK and then Apply > OK
  • Close the window and try again to print

Note: You may also face an issue where QuickBooks POS Cash Drawer Won’t Open.

Step 3: Select the Correct Template for the Receipt Printer

  • Go to the File menu in QuickBooks POS
  • Select Preferences > Workstation
  • Now assign the compatible template for the printer. If you have a 40-Column printer, it’s suggested to use the 40-column template too. Otherwise, it will continue to print the report/receipt in small size font
  • Click Save
  • Now try to print the document again

Step 4: Modify Font from the Print Designer

  • Go to the File menu in QuickBooks POS
  • Choose Tools > Print Designer
  • Select the Document Type such as Sales Receipt, Sales Order, etc.
  • Then click Modify
  • Now select the section from the Document Preview and then make a right-click to modify the section and choose Properties
  • Select the Fields tab and click Change Font…
  • Modify the Font Size and Style and click OK to implement the changes
  • Close the open windows and try to print the document again

Note: You may also need to Download the Old QuickBooks Point of Sale Version (12.0-19.0)

Step 5: Remove the Printer and Reinstall it again

  • Press Windows+R keys together to open the Run Command
  • Type Control and click OK to open the Control Panel
  • Click Hardware and Sounds > Devices and Printers
  • Select the printer and make right-click on it then choose Remove Device
  • Click on Yes to remove the device from your computer
  • Now follow the printer manufacturer guide to reinstall the printer

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