QuickBooks Error 6073 99001 (When Open the Company File)

QuickBooks Error 6073 99001 occurs when opening the company file. Error Code -6073, -99001 arises because the file may have been opened by another user.

You may see this error code as:
QuickBooks is unable to open this company file. It may have been opened by another user. QuickBooks is unable to open this company file. It may have been opened by another user. You should ask that user to switch to multi-user mode so you can both use the company file at the same time. The file could also be located in a read-only network folder. If it is, ask your system administrator to make the file accessible.

In this post, we will discuss about the causes and solution steps to fix it.

Quick Note: You may also face QuickBooks Error -6177, 0

Causes for QuickBooks Error Code -6073, -99001

  • The company file is opened on the anther computer in single-user mode
  • The file is located on the read-only network folder
  • You’re trying to open the company file using screen share application(LogMeIn, etc.) but the host computer can see that user is login to the same file

Note: Process to fix this problem may complex, you can speak with our experts for a quick resolution. Call TollFree or leave us your message.

3 Simple Steps to Fix QuickBooks Error -6073, -99001

Step 1: Download and Install QuickBooks Tool Hub

  • Download QuickBooks Tool Hub and go to your download by pressing CTRL+J
  • Under your downloads list click on QuickBooksToolsHub.exe
  • Click Yes to allow this app to make changes
  • Now click on Next to install it and then click Yes again for accepting the license agreement
  • Click on Next and then Install (It may take some time)
  • Once the installation is complete click on Finish
  • Now open QuickBooks Tool Hub (Icon will be available on your desktop)

Step 2: Download and Install QuickBooks File Doctor

  • Download QuickBooks Tool Hub and go to your downloads by pressing CTRL+J
  • Under your downloads list click on QuickBooksToolsHub.exe
  • Click Yes to allow this app to make changes
  • Now click on Next to install it and then click Yes again for accepting the license agreement
  • Click on Next and then Install (It may take some time)
  • Once the installation is complete click on Finish
  • Now open QuickBooks Tool Hub (Icon will be available on the desktop)
  • Under Company File Issues tab click on Run QuickBooks File Doctor
  • Click on Browse to select the company file
  • Select Check your file and network
  • Click Continue
  • Enter QuickBooks Admin password and click Next

Now scan begins, it may take some time depending on the company file size. Once the scan finished, your issue is resolved. If not, please proceed further with the below steps.

Note: Read more about QuickBooks File Doctor

Step 3: Ensure about the Company File Status

1. If the company file is open in the single-user mode on another workstation

  • Close QuickBooks Desktop from all computers
  • Open the company file on the host computer
  • Go to File > Switch to Multi-User Mode
  • If the same issue still exists, restart all the computers

2. If the company file is open in the single-user mode on the host computer

  • Close QuickBooks from all computer
  • Open QuickBooks Desktop only on the host computer
  • Go to File > Close Company
  • Click Open or restore an existing company
  • Choose Open Company File
  • Click Next
  • Select the company file and make a check on Open file in multi-user mode(bottom left corner)
  • Now follow on screen instructions

3. If the company file is located on read-only network

Follow the below steps on the computer that host your company file.

  • Open the location where the company file is located
  • Now make a right-click on the folder that contains your company file
  • Choose Properties
  • Select the Security tab
  • Click Edit…
  • Select the user that is having an issue and check to Allow for Full Control
  • Select Apply and OK
QuickBooks Error Code 6073 99001

4. If the computer is access remotely (using LogMeIn etc.)

Download and Run Quick Fix My Program

  • Now open QuickBooks Tool Hub (Icon will be available on the desktop)
  • Go to Program Problems tab and click on the Quick Fix my Program
  • It may take some time to run
  • Once completed, reopen QuickBooks

After following all the above steps you’ll no longer face QuickBooks Error Code 6073 99001 incase it still exists, you can speak with our experts for a quick resolution. Dial TollFree or leave us your message.

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