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How to Transfer Microsoft Money Files to Quicken

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Sales and Support for Microsoft Money discontinued in back June 2009 and January 2011 respectively. Microsoft money played a wide role in personal financial software but wasn’t a market leading product. Users of Microsoft Money can transfer files into Quicken. If you’re planning to transfer Micrsoft Money files into Quicken. That’s Great! and there is no need to start from scratch with Quicken. Quicken has the ability to import transactions from Microsoft money easily.

If you’re using an old version of Microsoft Money you need to upgrade to the latest version. Money Plus Sunset Deluxe was the last version from Microsoft. You can download it from here.

RECOMMENDATION: As Microsoft Money is not updated since 2010. If you’re proceeding further with transfer process that is on your own risk.

Things to remember before transferring Microsoft Money files to Quicken

1. Reconcile all of your accounts
2. Remove unused payees and categories
3. Make sure your account name should not exceed more than 40 characters (limit in Quicken)
4. Create a backup into a new folder or external drive.

QUICK NOTE: If you’re not sure about the conversion process you can contact our support by dialing 1-877-353-8076

Simple Steps to Convert Microsoft Files into Quicken

In this process first we need to backup Microsoft Money file

1. Open Microsoft Money
2. Go to File > Back Up…

3. On your next browse a location to export it and click Save
4. Now your Microsoft Money file is backed up successfully

Now as you backed up Microsoft Money file and it’s ready to use it in Quicken. We would like to suggest you create a new Quicken file to import your Microsoft Money information, to create a new file

1.Open Quicken
2. Go to File > New Quicken File…
3. Choose New Quicken File and click on OK

Microsoft Money Files to Quicken

4. Give a name to your new Quicken file and click Save
5. Quicken prompt you to login to your Quicken ID and password
6. Once you enter your login click on Sign In
7. Now follow on-screen instructions
8. As you’re into your new Quicken file
9. Go to File > Import > Microsoft Money® File…
10. Next screen will show you to import your file click on Open to import it
11. Now your file is completely imported in Quicken

Things to do after converting Microsoft Money Files to Quicken

You’re almost ready to go after importing Microsoft Money Files to Quicken from but you need to do under the following steps to ensure everything is correct

A. Setup your account for online download
1. Click on the account to set up online download
2. Click on the Gear Icon with a drop-down arrow and choose Set up Online
3. Follow on-screen instructions

B. Setup online bills
1. Click on an account with which you want to set up online payments
2. Click on the top right Gear Icon with a drop-down arrow and choose Edit account details
3. Click on Online Services
4. Under Online bill payment click on set up Now…
5. Now follow on-screen instructions

C. Check your payee, category, and accounts
You may see payee, categories and account are different than Microsoft Money because characters are permitted and character length allowed in Quicken.

To check Account details
1. Go to Tools > Account List
2. Click on Edit for the account that you want to change some information
3. Now you can apply the changes that you want.

To check payee details
1. Go to Tools > Memorized Payee List
2. Click on a payee that you want to change
3. Click Edit
4. Now you can apply the changes that you want and then click on OK

To check Categories details
1. Go to Tools > Category List
2. Choose a category that you want to have some changes and right click on it
3. Click on Edit
4. Once changes applied then click on Save

You may see some another problem after transferring Microsoft Files to Quicken. You can contact our Quicken Help desk by dialing 1-877-353-8076

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